Effective address scoring solutions

Use the power of the Address Scoring

Locate contact customers for your business

Address Scoring

Score a given address to find out if this is a good or bad location for making contact with your customer.

Heat Maps

Plan your actions ahead with the Street Data Heat Maps
to select regions and locations that meet your desired business criteria.

Risk Indentification

Improve your collections process and make more informed decisions. Stop guessing. Start using the Street Data Locations’ Scoring for more targeted collections to save time and money


Localization logs

Intelligent Scoring Engine

Street Data location database includes over 8 million localization logs. The base is powered with more than 500.000 new reports every month. Use the locations scoring to ensure positive outcome in collections and increse customers’ contactibility ratio for sales and service purposes.

Instant Address Verification

Address Scoring, a Street Data solution, uses smartphones’ localization logs and reports to map the contactibility zones. Score your loans for quick answers confirming given address information. Save time, money and resources to focus only on confirmed addresses.

Data Security

Street Data highly values security and integrity of the data. The security and protection of the data is effectively implemented through the physical protection, organizational procedures (Security Policy and IT System Management Instructions), system and application software, and by users responsible for compliance with data protection and data security principles. Our systems are monitored 24/7.

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